Written by: Ma. Angelica Bacani-Marasigan
This paper provides an overview of the present traffic situation in Metro Manila, in particular the urgent concerns brought about by traffic congestion. This paper finds that the uncontrolled ownership of vehicles in the metro is largely responsible for the congestion. The daily strain that this contributes to the economy as well as to the lives of the regular commuters can not be relentlessly ignored.
Traffic costs a staggering Php2.4 billion a day in lost productivity, illness, wasted fuel and vehicle maintenance. As a megacity, traffic problems will aggravate if no interventions are implemented. Thus, this paper proposes that the Philippine government develops its own quota system, with due consideration to local conditions, using Singapore‘s Vehicle Quota System as its model in order to manage the ever-increasing vehicle density in the metro.
Keywords: vehicle density, traffic, traffic congestion, Metro Manila, Vehicle Quota System